PRINCETON generations

Ideas and Strategies from the Office of Gift Planning at Princeton University

A Class Act: With Annual Giving Legacy, Princetonians Go Forward Together

Albert Budney Jr. ’68 and Karen Budney

Why are these folks smiling? Albert Budney Jr. ’68 and his wife, Karen, made an Annual Giving Legacy gift for his 55th reunion — which enrolled them in the 1746 Society, will bring them income, and will help Princeton and the Class of 1968.

“Our best lifelong friends are those we made at Princeton, so we wanted to make a gift that would last for the rest of our lives, and even beyond,” said Albert. “An Annual Legacy Gift does just that!”

If you want to help your class set Annual Giving records for its 50th, 55th, 60th or higher reunion, consider making an Annual Giving Legacy gift.

Through a charitable gift annuity or charitable trust, you will earn AG credit for your class, provide income for yourself, for yourself and your spouse, or for another beneficiary, and support generations of Princetonians to come — plus receive Venture Forward campaign credit.

Learn more by calling 609.258.6397 or email

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This entry was posted on April 12, 2023 in SPRING 2023.


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